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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 11/24/2008
Lenox Community Preservation Committee
November 24, 2008

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Midge Sandlin (MS), Joe G. Strauch (JGS), Scott Pignatelli (SP), Jim Sorrentino (JS), Joseph Kellogg (JK) Fred Keator (FK) and Olga Weiss (OW).  
 James Jurney, Jr. (JJ), absent with notification.
Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.   

Meeting opened at 7:00 PM.  JS made a motion to approve the October minutes.  FK seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

RS stated that the committee needs to establish a payment procedure.  The consensus of the members is the committee should have a contract for “non-town” projects.  MA distributed a draft contracts she prepared.  She used the Community Coalition example as a guide for the draft contract.   RS noted corrections in paragraphs three and six.  There were no other corrections and members agreed they were satisfied with the draft contract document.   RS asked MA to review the contracts with Town Counsel.  Members agreed that the Town Manager and CPC Chairman should sign the CPA contract on behalf of the town.

MA distributed a draft payment procedure document.  Members discussed this matter and agreed they would prefer to approve payments at regular CPC meetings.  However, members discussed the fact that they generally meet once per month and this could needlessly delay the payment process.  The consensus of the members is to approve payments at regularly scheduled committee meetings.  When necessary, the Chairman is authorized to review payment requests and approve payments on behalf of the committee.  

RS gave a brief update on status of matching funds.  The state did pay the correct amount because the town must subtract all abatements and not just abatements for CPA.  

JS have an update on the Community Center window project.  The energy audit does not justify the need for replacement windows.  The energy audit recommends the installation of interior storm windows.  The storm windows will be much less than the replacement windows.  The energy audit recommended that new doors be installed.  Members agreed that town meeting will need to authorize money to be used for doors because the original warrant stated the money would be used for windows.

MA provided an update on the application process.  She said there was an article in the Berkshire Record regarding the application process.  She noted that the Town Clerk sent a copy of the press release to subscribers of the town’s email notice system.  MA talked to a representative of St. Ann’s Church regarding the application process.  The application deadline is January 8, 2009.

The next CPC meeting will be January 12, 2009 @ 7:00 PM.    Applications will be distributed and discussed.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:  1/26/09
